serving the pnw from Portland & sw washington to oregon's north coast

Portland Birth Photographer

Portland Birth Photographer

BEcause these are the moments You'll want to remember. 

Because birth isn't meant to be censored and hidden behind closed doors.

It's meant to be celebrated, normalized and honored as the transformative experience that it is, for every body.

and Your story is meant to be told.

it will be a day to remember.

Whether labor starts spontaneously, via induction, or you're heading in for a cesarean...your baby's birth is often a roller coaster of emotion. Some births are fast-paced, others are a waiting game with slow-building anticipation and still others a mix of both. In every case

I'm Courtney, lover of all things birth and babies. My passion for birth work started the way it often does, with the arrival of my firstborn and the incredible transformation that happens when you become a parent. A decade passed and I had two more children and as my babies grew, so did my interest in birth work. I didn't know in what capacity I would be a part of it but after falling in love with photography and realizing that I could document this incredible experience for families, I was hooked. 

I genuinely want to hold space for you and your unique family, and I want you to have beautiful images and video to remember one of the most important days of your life, bringing new life in to this world.

So, who am I ?

let's chat!


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I can't wait to hear from you!

Maternity - Birth - newborn

your complete story from bump to baby

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